NINE Pedestrians die every day , within the United States of America.
In the United States of America, 50,000 people die every year after sustaining a traumatic brain injury.
90% of pedestrians who are struck by a vehicle sustain at the minimum a mild traumatic brain injury, 55% sustain a serious traumatic brain injury and 17% sustain a severe traumatic brain injury. 14% of all traumatic brain injuries stem from a vehicle accident of some manner.
500 die daily in traffic related accidents. When will enough be enough??
"It will never happen to you."
"Not MY child !! I am going to teach them everything
they need to know. I'll drill it into their head if I have too!"
Something we at least hope, when we hear of other's catastrophic nightmare's. Especially as a parent!
But then....Just like that, in the blink of an eye, you realize that it in fact, can happen to you. You realize it can, because it did and you don't know what comes next.
You CAN teach your child everything there is to know about being a pedestrian but at the end of the day, the truth is, what you teach your child doesn't effect another person and the choices they will make when they are behind the wheel. Life accidents, sport accidents. Life is fragile and can change in a second.
We understand the challenges of a traumatic brain injury. We understand the shock, the confusion, the darkness and not knowing what direction to turn to next. What questions to ask. What calls to make. It's really hard to know what to do when you find yourself in a position you didn't think you would ever be in let alone one that is completely life changing.
When life takes an unexpected turn, we are here to educate, advocate, and support you through the journey. We are dedicated to providing the guidance and resources you need to adjust to the new normal.